Quantum Technology Laboratory

 Interdisciplinary research spanning quantum optics and photonics, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, cryogenics, 2D materials synthesis and characterization, nanofabrication, and machine learning.

Our research is funded by:

  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
  • Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)
  • Google
  • 07/2024: Graduate students Jagi Rout, Amir Targholizadeh and Postdoc Dr. Aswini Pattanayak presented their research in Plasmonics and Nanophotonics Gordon Research Conference.
  • 05/2024: Our collaborative team, Prof. Harry Atwater (PI) and Prof. Jha (Co-PI), was awarded funding from DARPA Photon-Efficient Nanoscale Optical Metrology (PhENOM) Disruption Opportunity.
  • 10/2023: Prof. Jha gave an invited talk titled “Quantum Optics with 2D and not so 2D Materials” at McGill University. Thank you, Prof. Kai Wang for the invitation.
  • 07/2023: Prof. Jha was awarded AFRL/RI Visiting Research Faculty Program Fellowship. Thank You Dr. Kathy-Anne Soderberg, Dr. Donald Telesca, and the Griffiss Institute for this opportunity.

A. K. Pattanayak et al., arXiv 2407.14310 (2024)

M. Bhupati et al., arXiv 2405.05243 (2024)

P. K. Jha et al., Nanotechnology 33, 015001 (2022)