Our research is funded by:
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)
- 07/2024: Graduate students Jagi Rout, Amir Targholizadeh and Postdoc Dr. Aswini Pattanayak presented their research in Plasmonics and Nanophotonics Gordon Research Conference.
- 05/2024: Our collaborative team, Prof. Harry Atwater (PI) and Prof. Jha (Co-PI), was awarded funding from DARPA Photon-Efficient Nanoscale Optical Metrology (PhENOM) Disruption Opportunity.
- 10/2023: Prof. Jha gave an invited talk titled “Quantum Optics with 2D and not so 2D Materials” at McGill University. Thank you, Prof. Kai Wang for the invitation.
- 07/2023: Prof. Jha was awarded AFRL/RI Visiting Research Faculty Program Fellowship. Thank You Dr. Kathy-Anne Soderberg, Dr. Donald Telesca, and the Griffiss Institute for this opportunity.