For selected publications, [click here]
45. A. K. Pattanayak, J. Rout, P. K. Jha, “Temperature-Dependent Optical Constants of Nanometer-thin Flakes of Fe(Te,Se) Superconductor in the Visible and Near-Infrared Regime,” arXiv:2407.14310.
44. M. Bhupati, A. Mall, A. Kumar, P. K. Jha, “Deep learning-based variational autoencoder for classification of quantum and classical states of light,” arXiv:2405.05243.
43. H. Akbari, P. K. Jha, K. Malinowski, B. E. C. Koltenbah, H. A. Atwater, “Photon statistics analysis of h-BN quantum emitters with pulsed and continuous-wave excitation,” arXiv:2403.12291.
42. H. Akbari, S. Biswas, P. K. Jha, J. Wong, B. Vest, and H. A. Atwater, “Lifetime limited and tunable quantum light emission in h-BN via electric field modulation,” Nano Lett. 22, 7798 (2022).
41. P. K. Jha∗, H. Akbari∗, Y. Kim∗, S. Biswas, and H. A. Atwater, “Nanoscale axial position and orientation measurement of hexagonal boron nitride quantum emitters using a tunable nanophotonic environment,” Nanotechnology 33, 015001 (2022).
40. L. Kim∗, S. Kim∗, P. K. Jha, V. W. Brar, and H. A. Atwater, “Mid-Infrared radiative emission from bright hot plasmons in graphene,” Nat. Mater. 20, 805 (2021).
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39. F. Yang∗, P. K. Jha∗, H. Akbari, H. Bauser, and H. A. Atwater, “A hybrid coupler for directing quantum light emission with high radiative Purcell enhancement to a dielectric metasurface lens,” J. Appl. Phys. 130, 163103 (2021).
38. H. Akbari, W.-H. Lin, B. Vest, P. K. Jha, and H. A. Atwater “Temperature-dependent spectral emission of hexag- onal boron nitride quantum emitters on conductive and dielectric substrates,” Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 014036 (2021).
37. M. Sohoni, P. K. Jha, M. Nalabothula, and A. Kumar, “Interlayer exciton valleytronics in bilayer heterostructures interfaced with a metasurface,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 121101 (2020).
36. M. Nalabothula, P. K. Jha, T. Low, and A. Kumar, “Engineering valley quantum interference in anisotropic van der Waals heterostructures,” Phys. Rev. B 102, 045416 (2020).
35. P. K. Jha∗, N. Shitrit∗, X. Ren, Y. Wang, and X. Zhang, “Spontaneous Exciton Valley Coherence in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers Interfaced with an Anisotropic Metasurface,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 116102 (2018).
34. L. Kumarapperuma, M. Premaratne, P. K. Jha, M. I. Stockman, and G. P. Agarwal, “Analytical characterization of the spasing (L-L) curve of a three-level quantum coherence enhanced spaser,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 201108 (2018).
33. X. Ren, P. K. Jha, Y. Wang, and X. Zhang, “Non-Conventional Metasurfaces: from non-Hermitian coupling, quantum interactions, to skin cloak,” Nanophotonics 7, 1233 (2018).
32. K. L. Tsakmakidis∗, P. K. Jha∗, Y. Wang, and X. Zhang, “Quantum-coherence driven self-organized criticality and nonequilibrium light localization,” Sci. Adv. 4, eaaq0465 (2018).
31. H. Ramezani, P. K. Jha, Y. Wang, and X. Zhang, “Nonreciprocal Localization of Photons,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 043901(2018).
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30. P. K. Jha∗, N. Shitrit∗, J. Kim, X. Ren, Y. Wang, and X. Zhang, “Metasurface-Mediated Quantum Entanglement,” ACS Photonics 5, 971 (2018).
29. P. K. Jha, Y. Wang, X. Ren, and X. Zhang, “Quantum-coherence-enhanced transient surface plasmon lasing,” J. Opt. 19, 054002 (2017).
28. P. K. Jha, M. Mrejen, J. Kim, C. Wu, Y. Wang, Y. V. Rostovtsev, and X. Zhang, “Coherence-Driven Topological Transition in Quantum Metamaterials,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 165502 (2016).
- Nature Photonics: Ultracold atom lattices
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- Phys.orgs: Toward ’perfect’ quantum metamaterial: Study uses trapped atoms in an artificial crystal of light
- Other media coverage: ScienceDaily, Moore Foundation, Nanowerk, (e)Science News, Kavli Foundation, Lab Manager, Newswise, EurekAlert, etc.
27. P. K. Jha∗, X. Ni∗, C. Wu, Y. Wang, and X. Zhang, “Metasurface-Enabled Remote Quantum Interference,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 025501 (2015).
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- Featured in Physics (Focus Story): Metamirror Generates Interference at a Distance, Physics 8, 64 (2015)
26. Rajitha K. V., T. N. Dey, S. Das, and P. K. Jha†, “Microwave controlled efficient Raman sub-harmonics generation,” Opt. Lett. 40, 2229-2232 (2015). (†Corresponding Author)
25. Z. Yi, P. K. Jha, L. Yuan, D. V. Voronine, G. O. Ariunbold, A. M. Sinyukov, Z. Di, V. A. Sautenkov, Y. V. Rostovtsev, and A. V. Sokolov, “Observing the transition from yoked superfluorescence to superradiance,” Opt. Commun. 351, 45-49 (2015).
24. P. K. Jha, H. Eleuch, and F. Grazioso, “Ultra-short strong excitation of two-level systems,” Opt. Commun. 331, 198-203 (2014).
23. P. K. Jha, M. Mrejen, J. Kim, C. Wu, Y. Wang, X. Yin, and X. Zhang, “Interacting dark resonances with plasmonic meta-molecules,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 111109 (2014).
22. K. R. Chapin, D. Cohen, S. Das, K. Dorfman, P. K. Jha, M. Kim, A. Svidzinsky, P. Vetter, and D. V. Voronine, “Clarifying Kirk’s Confusion via Simple Examples and Analysis,” Physica B 423, 54-57 (2013).
21. K. E. Dorfman, P. K. Jha, D. V. Voronine, P. Genevet, F. Capasso, and M. O. Scully, “Quantum-Coherence-Enhanced Surface Plasmon Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 043601 (2013).
20. P. K. Jha, “Using Quantum Coherence to Enhance Gain in Atomic Physics,” Coherent Opt. Phenom. 1, 25-41 (2013).
19. K. R. Chapin, D. Cohen, S. Das, K. Dorfman, P. K. Jha, M. Kim, A. Svidzinsky, P. Vetter, and D. V. Voronine, “Comment on Kirk’s Analysis of Quantum Coherent Solar Photovoltaic Cells,” Physica B 417, 91-93 (2013).
18. P. K. Jha, C. Y. Lee, and C. H. R. Ooi, “Controlling laser spectra in a phaseonium photonic crystal using maser,” App. Phys. B 112, 115-121 (2013).
17. P. K. Jha, X. Yin, and X. Zhang, “Quantum coherence-assisted propagation of surface plasmon polaritons”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 091111 (2013).
16. D. V. Voronine, A. M. Sinyukov, X. Hua, K. Wang, P. K. Jha, E. Munusamy, S. E. Wheeler, G. R. Welch, A. V. Sokolov, and M. O. Scully, “Time resolved surface enhanced coherent sensing of nanoscale molecular complexes”, Sci. Rep. 2, 891(2012).
15. P. K. Jha, K. E. Dorfman, Z. Yi, L. Yuan, Y. V. Rostovtsev, V. A. Sautenkov, G. R. Welch, A. M. Zheltikov, and M. O. Scully, “Ultralow-power local laser control of the dimer density in alkali-metal vapors through photodesorption”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 091107 (2012).
14. K. Wang, B. D. Strycker, D. V. Voronine, P. K. Jha, M. O. Scully, R. E. Meyers, P. Hemmer, and A. V. Sokolov, “Remote sub-diffraction imaging with femtosecond laser filaments”, Opt. Lett. 37, 1343 (2012).
13. P. K. Jha, A. A. Svidzinsky, and M. O. Scully, “Coherence Enhanced Transient Lasing in XUV Regime”, Laser Phys. Lett. 9, 368 (2012).
12. E. A. Sete, A. A. Svidzinsky, Y. V. Rostovtsev, H. Eleuch, P. K. Jha, S. Suckewer, and M. O. Scully, “Using quantum coherence to generate gain in the XUV and X-Ray: Gain swept superradiance and lasing without inversion”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 18, 541-553 (2012).
11. H. Eleuch, P. K. Jha, and Y. V. Rostovtsev, “Analytical solution to position dependent mass for 3D-Schrodinger equation”, Math. Sci. Lett. 1, 1 (2012).
10. P. K. Jha, “Effective unidirectional pumping for steady-state amplification without inversion”, J. Mod. Opt. 58, 1957 (2011).
9. K. E. Dorfman, P. K. Jha, and S. Das, “Quantum-interference-controlled resonance profiles from lasing without inversion to photodetection”. Phys. Rev. A 84, 053803 (2011).
8. L. Yuan, A. A. Lanin, P. K. Jha, A. J. Traverso, D. V. Voronine, K. E. Dorfman, A. B. Fedotov, G. R. Welch, A. V. Sokolov, A. M. Zheltikov, and M. O. Scully, “Coherent Raman Umklappscattering”, Laser Phys. Lett. 8, 736 (2011).
7. P. K. Jha, H. Eleuch, and Y. V. Rostovtsev, “Analytical solution to position dependent mass Schrodinger equation”, J. Mod. Opt. 58, 652 (2011).
6. P. K. Jha, Y. V. Rostovtsev, H. Li, V. A. Sautenkov, and M. O. Scully, “Experimental observation of carrier-envelope-phase effects by multicycle pulses”, Phys. Rev. A 83, 033404 (2011).
5. P. K. Jha, H. Li, V. A. Sautenkov, Y. V. Rostovtsev, and M. O. Scully, “Phase dependent interference effects on atomic excitation”, Opt. Commun. 284, 2538 (2011).
4. P. K. Jha, H. Eleuch, and Y. V. Rostovtsev, “Coherent control of atomic excitation using off-resonant few cycle pulses”, Phys. Rev A 82, 045805 (2010).
3. P. K. Jha, and Y. V. Rostovtsev, “Analytical solutions for a two-level atom driven by a class of chirped pulses”, Phys. Rev. A 82, 015801 (2010).
2. P. K. Jha, and Y. V. Rostovtsev, “Coherent excitation of a two-level atom driven by a far-off-resonant classical field: Analytical solutions”, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033827 (2010).
1. N. Gurappa, P. K. Jha, and P. K. Panigrahi, “On the Applications of a New Technique to Solve Linear Differential Equations, with and without Source”, SIGMA 3, 057 (2007).